Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cycle C - Year I:

7 July 2013: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - (Liturgical color: Green)

Luke 10:1-12, 17-20

Share the Good News to all!

It used to be with pride to hear that the Philippines is the only Catholic country in Asia. But after so many years that the seed of Christianity has been planted in our soil, we have second thoughts about it, I mean feeling proud as the only Catholic country in this part of the world until now. Because it seems our collective failure to live our faith and share it or evangelize our neighboring countries.

So what went wrong with our Christian living?

In today's Gospel narrative, Saint Luke recounts how, in the beginning, Jesus appointed 72 of his disciples and sent them out on a mission to help prepare the way for his visit to various people and towns. And he told them, "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few."

Before he sends them away, Jesus prepares the disciples for the mission by telling them what to expect and do while on mission. He states clearly that the mission work is not going to be easy. Some people will attack them; they will not be happy with what the disciples believe about Jesus. Thus, Jesus warns the disciples: "I am sending you like lambs among wolves!"

Jesus insists on a simple way of life for those who want to go on his mission. Because he wants them to avoid getting distracted by unimportant things or concerns and focus instead on truly caring for people and sharing with them the great joy of knowing and loving Jesus Christ. That is what it means when Jesus tells them, "Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals."

In practical life, the clear message of today's Gospel is that the task of spreading the Good News is not confined to the twelve apostles, and their direct successors in our times, the Pope, bishops and all ordained ministers. Rather, it is a mission given to all of us followers of Jesus. And we the lay people, by virtue of our baptism, also share in the missionary work of the Church. In other words, we too are called to lead others to Christ.

We know that God endowed each of us with gifts and talents. Jesus invites us to use these gifts in his service. Some of us may have the gift of eloquence to preach in public settings. Some have the courage and the compassion to be missionaries in foreign lands. Still some may have the golden voice to sing praises to the Lord. But all of us are called to share the Good News simply by the way we lead our lives.

So now why is it that we seem unable to share our faith with our Asian neighbors? In the silence of our heart, let us reflect: Do I have a sense that I have been personally called by God and sent into the world to continue his saving work? Do I understand the role I have in helping people in my own small corner of the world prepare to encounter Christ? Do people encounter Christ, or feel the presence of Christ, when they meet me, work with me, and hang out with me?

Let us rejoice that the Lord shares with us his saving work on earth!

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Deo Optimo Maximo!

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