Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cycle C - Year I:

16 June 2013 -11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Luke 7:36-8:3

God is forgiving!

We live in an imperfect world and there is no disagreeing that we ourselves are imperfect beings. And yet we are quick to judge others, and not ourselves. Why is it that we easily see the shortcomings or the sins of our fellowmen but not see our own?

In the gospel this Sunday, our Lord Jesus invites us to self-reflection on our attitude and relationship with our less fortunate brethren.

St. Luke narrates the incident of how Jesus forgives a sinful woman who barges into the house of Simon, who invited Jesus to dine with him. This uninvited guest immediately attends to Jesus, anointing him with oil, weeping, bathing his feet with her tears, and drying them with her hair.

Now, this does not sit well with his host, who was a Pharisee. Because Pharisees were self-righteous, quick to blame others, quick to judge, as they easily see the faults of others. And Simon thought that if Jesus were a prophet, he would know who and what sort of woman who is touching him.

But Jesus read Simon's thought, so he told him the parable of two debtors to show God's love for sinners. And the one whose large debt was forgiven will love the creditor more.

And turning to the sinful woman, Jesus shows that he forgives the woman's sins by accepting her act of humility and hospitality. Jesus said to the woman:"Your faith has saved you; go now in peace."

In practical life, sometimes or often time perhaps we tend to be judgmental and critical of others based on their appearances, or their lack of education, based on their manners, or their lack of material wealth, or based on their sinfulness and the like. But judging others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves.

The gospel is a powerful expression of unconditional love that God has for the sinners. It is not for us to ask whether God loves more those with upright lives or the repentant sinners. Because salvation is God's free gift to all who seek it with contrite heart.

In other words, instead of finding faults of others, or judging their imperfections, let us rejoice in God's unlimited mercy and goodness to all sinners. Let us rejoice that God is forgiving!

Today we also celebrate Father's Day. We greet Happy Father's Day to all fathers, and God the Father is the greatest of them all.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Deo Optimo Maximo!

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