Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cycle C - Year I:

9 June 2013 - 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time: (Liturgical color: Green)

Luke 7:11-17

Jesus, our compassionate Lord!
In the last mid-term election, we were entertained by the antics  of candidates, trying to impress us with their best as friendly, kind and compassionate persons. The election results show that "trapos", political dynasties, and those with "name recall" dominate politics in our country. Nothing has changed in Philippine politics. Let us hope and pray that elected officials live up to their campaign promises.

Today's gospel presents us a true leader in our Lord Jesus Christ who lives by example of his own preaching of being kind and compassionate, especially for the poor and helpless of society.

In the gospel episode, the disciples and the large crowd witness Jesus bringing back to life the only son of a widow in the city of Nain. Jesus and his group met the funeral procession as they drew near the gate to the city. This particular gospel account in the life of Jesus is found only in the book of St. Luke. And it is one of the rare instances when Jesus took the initiative to give life back to a dead person without being asked by anyone.

What made Jesus do so? Perhaps Jesus saw in the grieving widow his own mother, Mary, who at this time was also already a widow, and whom he knew would also be undergoing the same tormenting grief over his forthcoming death on the cross.

So Jesus showed compassion and was moved with pity for the widow of Nain, that even without being asked he raised the young man back to life. This compassionate act was also predictive of our Lord's own resurrection.

In our own human experience, the sudden loss of a loved one can really be so painful and traumatic, and without the support of true friends and relatives the bereaved can even lose the enthusiasm for living.

In today's gospel event, Jesus taught us the virtue of showing compassion to others. Our Lord is our example of a leader, who is truly kind and compassionate, our Good Shepherd. Because Jesus has compassion to all of us struggling with life, especially for the lowly and those beset with the daily struggles of living. Jesus feels our loneliness and our emptiness because he is always with us.

Let us not forget to always call on Jesus because he is with us to make our own heavy burdens light, and he is always with us to help and carry whatever burden in daily living.

In Holy Mass let us pray for all our friends  and relatives who have lost their loved ones, that God's consoling grace may fill the void left by their passing away. For we believe that compassion with the grieving and those struggling in life gives glory to God.

A blessed Sunday to all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Deo Optimo Maximo!

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