Friday, March 30, 2018

The Suffering and Sorrowful Mary, Mater Dolorosa:
During the Holy Week, we reflect on the suffering, passion, crucifixion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ to redeem us from our sin.
But in the midst of our sorrow and contrition, let us not also forget the sorrowful journey with Jesus of His own mother Mary, the Mother of Sorrow or Mater Dolorosa.
For Mary is witness to suffering of her Son, with love and faith.
Emotionally, we may have felt more connected to Mary as the reality of how Mary suffered in witnessing the painful journey of her Son to Calvary speaks to our own lives in a more relevant and powerful way.
Because as humans we all experience sadness through our own suffering, and have witnessed the suffering of those close to us. We see how Mary witnessed the terrible ordeals of her own Son being humiliated before the church elders, dragged before Pilate for judgment, scourged nearly unto death, and finally nailed to the cross to die. We now realize the fullness of Mary's humanity as we saw the intensity of her shock, disbelief and intense sorrow as she remained with her Son into His death.
The ordeals of Jesus' persecution and death are so horrific that nearly all of His followers abandoned our
Lord. Yet Mary, His mother, and Mary of Magdala and His apostle John remained with Jesus. Mary's love for Jesus as His mother, and her hope and faith in His divinity enabled her to endure the path to His death in Calvary.
For Mary knew she could not stop the torture and death of her Son, yet her love for Jesus compelled her to remain with Him in the journey to Calvary despite the suffering this caused her own heart.
Mary, as our Model for witnessing suffering:
As we reflect on the sorrowful events of Holy Week, each of us can resolve to imitate Mary in our own lives by reaching out in love and compassion to assist and comfort others whom are suffering. At times this can be relatively easy, such as simply spending time with a friend whom is suffering with a problem and may need someone to listen. At other times the witnessing of suffering may require much greater effort, such as when a loved one is dying from a painful illness.
During the times when our suffering is most intense, we can turn to Mary. Yes, it can be hard, and at times we may feel as Mary did -- that we can't go on any further. Yet Mary teaches us that through our love for others, rooted in our love for God, and faith in the resurrection and power of God's grace, we have the strength and courage to persevere through any suffering our world presents.
So let us pray: Lord, thank You for the gift of Mary, Your Mother, as our perfect Mother too and model for how we as Christians witness suffering in our fallen world. Help us to imitate Mary as our Model as she comforted others in need with loving compassion, and with faith in Your resurrection and grace. Amen.
Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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