Saturday, May 28, 2016

Cycle C - Year II:

5 June 2016: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Gospel: Please read Luke 7:11-17

Our compassionate Lord!

The Church's liturgy brings us back to Ordinary Time, after a series of solemnities or special feasts following the Easter Season. And this Sunday is the 10th in Ordinary Time.

Just a quick review, what is Ordinary Time?

Well, it is the yearly cycle comprising of 33 or 34 weeks in which no particular aspect of the mystery of Christ is celebrated, but rather the totality or fullness of the mystery of Christ itself is honored.

The Gospel passage is from St. Luke, narrating an incident when our Lord Jesus while in journey to the city of Nain, encounter a funeral of a young man, the only son of his mother, who was a widow.

In Jesus' time, a woman's life and position in society depended so much upon her husband, and thus her only secure means of welfare is her family. The woman in the Gospel narrative was a widow and also lost her only child in this case, and so she was really helpless.

How does our Lord react to such a situation? If we recall, the Gospel records a number of incidents that Jesus was "moved to the depths of his heart" when he met with individual and with groups of people needing help.

In this Sunday's incident, Jesus not only grieved the untimely death of a young man, but He showed the depth of His concern for the woman who lost not only her husband but her only child as well. In other words, the widow has lost not only her loved ones, but her future security and livelihood.

The story continues that Jesus brought back to life the young man. His simple word of concern -- "Young man, arise!" -- not only restored him to physical life but brought freedom and wholeness both to his body and soul. For Jesus is Lord only not only of the living but of the dead as well.

What does the Gospel incident tell us? What lesson do we learn for our Christian living?

More than the miracle of death to life again, let us focus on our Lord's compassion for the helpless. By bringing back the dead man to his mother, Jesus shows a gesture the evokes God's mercy and love regardless of our status in society. Jesus is our compassionate Lord. For God is merciful and loving.

As followers of Jesus, we must respond likewise with compassion and love to the misfortunes of others. By His words and deeds Jesus reveals the mind and purpose of the Father when we care for the poor and weak in society, both physically and spiritually.

With the recent election done, let us pray that our new elected leaders follow the example of the Good Shepherd in His compassion and love, becoming truly servant of all, rather than bullying people to submission through fear and threats.

God of life, please hear our prayers.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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