Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cycle A - Year II:  
22 December 2013: 4th Sunday of Advent
(Liturgical color: Violet)

Matthew 1:18-24

Joseph submits to God's will!

In all churches and chapels we light the fourth candle in the Advent wreath, the candle of love. For today is the last Sunday of our Advent pilgrimage. In three more days we will witness the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.

As we wind up our spiritual preparation for his coming, the Gospel reading focuses on St. Joseph, the legal father of the Child and protector of the Holy Family. 

Joseph faces a heart wrenching predicament: he is betrothed to a uniquely wonderful woman who is pregnant, and he knows that he is not the biological father. Since he is a "righteous man", he chooses to leave Mary quietly. But the Lord intervenes at this point and appears to Joseph in a dream. Joseph listens to the message of the angel and responds with deep faith and admirable obedience. He willingly embraces his role as the foster father of Jesus.

Let us reflect that both Mary and Joseph came before the Lord, at different moments, facing the decision to believe in God and trust in his unfathomable plan. Their radical "yes" to God's plan brings fulfillment to their lives and enables them to participate by their own free will in the marvelous, saving work of God.

In historical perspective, the Incarnation of Christ will not happen again. (We know and believe that He will come again in glory, as Judge and King of all creation in the second coming, but no longer as an Infant Child.) So in that sense, none of us will ever be asked to do anything quite like Mary and Joseph in their obedience to God's will. But in practical life, everyone of us is called to make a similar act of faith. Because we too stand alone before God and are asked by our Creator and Redeemer to place our lives in His hands, and to trust in His loving plan for us.

Perhaps, our faith in God is really the foundation of the Filipinos' spirit of resiliency in the midst of calamities and trials. It is the Holy Spirit, dwelling within us, that gives us the strength to overcome our fears and doubts, and like a trusting child make the leap of faith into the loving arms of our loving Father in heaven.

As we conclude our Advent pilgrimage, let us pray that may the grace of Jesus Christ, the examples of Mary and Joseph in their trust and obedience to God, and the blessing of the Advent season lead every one of us to respond freely to God with the obedience of faith, even if sometimes we do not understand immediately God's will for us.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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