Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cycle A - Year II:

15 December 2013: 3rd Sunday of Advent
(Liturgical color: Violet)

Matthew 11:2-11

Witnessing for Christ!

Christmas is the season of joy.  Yet a big part of the nation is still reeling from the devastation of the series of natural disasters that hit us recently. Can we rejoice amidst the suffering and deprivation of so many of our countrymen?

Yet, the Filipino spirit is patient and resilient, and will always find a reason to hope and smile in the midst of gloom. The fate of our "Pambansang Kamao", Manny Pacquiao, who recently made a successful comeback in his boxing career certainly provides inspiration to the nation that we can always rise up again. He becomes a symbol of Filipino spirit of resiliency and endurance. That is why Manny is called the "People's Champ!"

As we are mid-way in our Advent pilgrimage, the liturgy for this Sunday wants us to rejoice because we are very near to the big event that is Christmas day.

Today the Church celebrates Gaudete Sunday or the Sunday of Rejoicing. The entrance antiphon in the Mass begins with St. Paul's exhortation: "Rejoice in the Lord always!" (Phil. 4:4) Indeed the readings for this Sunday tell us there is reason to rejoice as we prepare for the coming of Jesus, our Lord and Messiah!

In the Gospel account, John the Baptist is in prison because of his preaching about the Messiah. But although incarcerated John continued to give witness to Jesus, to point to the Lamb of God. His zeal for Jesus would not be contained by prison walls. He kept focused on his mission to pave the way for Jesus, through his humility and endurance in spite of persecution.

While in prison John knew that his death was imminent. He wanted his disciples to come into the care of Jesus when he is gone. So he sent them to Jesus with the question: "Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?" (Mt 11:3)

Jesus did not give them a direct answer but He points to his public ministry instead. Jesus said to them in reply: "Go and tell John of what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them." (Mt 11:4-5) It is as if Jesus was really saying "The works that I am doing are my witness!" In other words, Jesus confirms by his deeds that He is the awaited One, the Messiah who has brought good news to the poor.

During this  of Advent, we do well to imitate the virtues shown by the great John the Baptist: humility, deference to Christ, perseverance in witnessing for Jesus, and an enduring zeal to lead all persons to Jesus as the focal point of all human history and the hope of all mankind.

In practical life, we must keep the faith in the midst of adversities. Because our life on earth is but a journey, and our real destination is to be home in the Father's house. So that after each obstacle, we need to move on, always resilient and never doubting that in the end we too will share in the resurrection of our Lord, when we are home with our heavenly Father.

On this Gaudete Sunday, let us rejoice because the Messiah is close at hand, as Christmas day comes very soon indeed.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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