Saturday, December 16, 2023

 Cycle B - Year II:  

24 December 2023: Fourth Sunday of Advent 
(Liturgical color: Violet or Rose; White for Simbang Gabi)


First Reading:        2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16
Second Reading:   Romans 16:25-27

Gospel:  Please read  Luke 1:26-38 

"Let it be done, according to God's plan!"

Today is the Fourth Sunday of our Advent journey, and also our last day of "waiting" for the big event that is Christmas tomorrow. In all Churches and chapels, we light the fourth and last candle in the advent wreath during Mass, the Candle of Love. The lighting symbolizes love for life and all creations, love for sinners and saints, love for the poor and the little ones, and especially God's love that redeems and shows us the way to His kingdom. (Some call it the Angels' Candle of Peace reminding us of the angelic message "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward men.)

St. Luke tells us about the angel Gabriel's news to Mary that she was chosen by God to bear His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Recall that the Annunciation is the first Joyful Mystery of the Holy Rosary. Let us reflect on Mary and her anticipation as she waited nine months for the birth of her Son. Mary is our model of how to prepare to welcome our Savior by her openness to God's promise, her deep faith, and her willingness to trust and follow God's plan. And Mary said to angel Gabriel, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be one to me according to your word." (Lk 1:38)  

Let us also reflect that both Mary and Joseph came before the Lord, at different moments, facing the decision to believe in God and trust in His unfathomable plan for humanity. Their radical "yes" to God's plan brings fulfillment to their lives and enables  them to participate  by their own free will in the marvelous saving work of God. "Therefore, though it is God who takes the initiative of coming to dwell in the midst of men, and he is always the main architect of this plan, it is also true that he does not will to carry it out without our active participation." (Pope Benedict XVI)    

In historical perspective, the Incarnation of Jesus will not happen again. (Although we know and believe that He will come again in glory as Judge and King of all creation in the second coming, but no longer as an Infant Child.) So in that sense,  none of us will ever be asked to do anything quite like Mary and Joseph in their obedience to God's will.

Yet in practical life, everyone of us is called to make a similar act of faith. Because we, too, stand before God and are asked by our Creator and Redeemer to place our lives in His hand, and to trust in His loving plan for us.

As we wind up our spiritual preparation for the Lord's coming tomorrow, Christmas Day, let us pray that the grace of our Lord Jesus, the examples of Mary and Joseph in their trust and obedience to God, and the blessing of the Advent Season lead every one of us to respond to God with the obedience of faith, even when sometimes we do not understand immediately God's plan for us. And like Mary, let us say "Amen" to God's plan in our lives. Amen.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!


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