Friday, March 24, 2023

 Cycle A - Year I:  

2 April 2023: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion 
(Liturgical Color: Red)


First Reading:        Isaiah 50:4-7
Second Reading:   Philippians 2:6-11

Gospel Readings:  

Matthew 21:1-11
Matthew 26:14--27:66 

Time to be with our Lord Jesus...

Palm Sunday is the final Sunday in Lent, and also the beginning of Holy Week. Today we commemorate the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem days before He was to be crucified on the cross.  

It is called Palm Sunday because the faithful carry with them palm branches as they participate in ritual procession into the Church.

The liturgy has two Gospel proclamations, both from Matthew for this year cycle.  The first Gospel reading (Mt 21:1-11) is read after the blessing of the palms and before the Mass proper, narrating the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  The second Gospel proclamation (Mt 26:14--27:66) is during the Mass, which is a dramatization of the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus. Let us reflect on these Gospel proclamations.

Matthew 21:1-11: Jesus traveled to Jerusalem knowing that this journey will end in His sacrificial death on the cross for the sin of mankind.  He entered the city riding in a young donkey and to the lavish praise of the townspeople who threw clothes, palms and small branches as a sign of homage. This was a customary practice for people of great respect.

Now palm branches are widely recognized symbol of peace and victory. The use of donkey (instead of a horse) is highly symbolic as it represents the humble arrival of someone in peace. Jesus came to Jerusalem in humility yet with appropriate dignity as the Prince of Peace.

We, too, are called to enter into our own "Jerusalem" even as we are challenged to surrender ourselves completely to the will of the Father. Especially during critical times let us entrust ourselves to the mercy and protection of Almighty God, even when perhaps it is hard to understand what is happening. We must always keep the faith and trust God as our loving Father who never forsakes us, His children.

Matthew 26:14--27:66):  We hear about the Passion of the Lord, from the betrayal of Judas, Jesus' death on the cross and His burial. Ironically, His earlier triumphal entry into Jerusalem now ends in a  journey of love to Calvary as Jesus gave up His life to redeem us from sin.

During the Holy Week, as we quarantine ourselves in our respective homes, let us meditate more intensely on the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ. For God so loves us to give up His only Son to die in order to redeem mankind from sin. There is no greater love than by His suffering, death and resurrection, Jesus had bridged the gap between God and man.

Trusting in God's mercy and protection, we will pass through our Calvary and our own life struggles in this life.

Conclusion: As our Lord Jesus hanged on the cross, His disciples abandoned Him, except for His Mother Mary and John, the beloved apostle. Among His last words, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani", which translate "My God, my God, why have You abandoned Me?" (Mt 27:46)   So, during the Holy Week let us give time to be with Jesus hanging on the cross, in gratitude for our redemption, and stay with our Lord in these darkest hours to the glorious day of His Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

This Sunday is also Alay Kapwa Sunday and  World Youth Day. Let us be generous with our needy brethren with material support and prayers, and pray for the success of the World Youth Day.

A blessed Palm Sunday of our Lord's Passion to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!


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