Saturday, February 12, 2022

 Cycle C - Year II:  

20 February 2022: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Color: Green)


First Reading:        1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23
Second Reading:   1 Corinthians 15:45-49

Gospel:  Please Read  Luke 6:27-38 

To love and to forgive our enemies!

THROWBACK last Sunday: Our Gospel reflection was on the Beatitudes according to the version of St. Luke, also known as the "Sermon on the Plain".  It was the first part of the Sermon (Lk 6:20-26) and Jesus addresses Himself to the disciples.

TODAY's Gospel proclamation is a continuation of last Sunday's, known as the second part of the Sermon on the Plain (Lk 6:27-38).  This time our Lord Jesus addresses Himself "to you who listen to Me"; that is to say, the great crowds of poor and sick people, who had come from all parts to listen to our Lord.

The words that we will hear today are demanding and difficult: "Love your enemies!" It is even more challenging to live out in our day to day lives.  For many people, perhaps even those who profess themselves as Christians, this may be one of the most difficult challenges in the Gospel.  It seems to express an idealism that is unrealistic and seemingly unattainable.

Because we live today in a world of great violence, of terrorism, of murders even for the unborn, of vicious vendettas often stirred up in the tabloid press and other media, the horror of terrorist attacks on the innocent. So are these evil things not be avenged, we ask?

Well, our Lord Jesus utterly reverses human thinking about enemies and forgiveness. He spells out the way God goes about things. holding nothing against us despite all our failings.

Now, two sayings of our Lord Jesus Himself will help us understand what He wants to teach us. The first saying is the so-called Golden Rule: "Treat others as you would like people to treat you." (Lk 6:31) The second saying is "Be merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful." (Lk 6:36)

These two directives from our Lord Jesus Christ indicate that Jesus does not want simply to change the situation. He wants to change the very system.  And the novelty which He wants to introduce comes from the new experience of God our Father, full of tenderness who accepts all. Jesus demands the contrary attitude from our usual experience: "Love your enemies!" (Lk 6:27) And love cannot depend on what I receive from others. Because true love should want the good of others, independently of what he or she does for me.

Of course, in the real world we know and experience, forgiving is never easy. That is why loving our enemies and those who hurt us is never easy. But then remember that our Lord Jesus does not ask us to do the easy things; He asks us to do whatever bring about the most love. And one way to show love for others is through service, especially to the poor and the helpless of society.

Therefore, our challenge is to be one of those rare people, of those people who are able to give so much love and forgiveness even if it means not receiving anything in return.  This is what our Lord Jesus Christ is calling all to do. His challenge may seem to be beyond our human capacity. But then our Lord also reminds us that our model and strength in the heavenly Father who is compassionate to all, both the saints and the sinners.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!


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