Monday, December 13, 2021

 Cycle C - Year II:  

5 December 2021: Second Sunday of Advent 
(Liturgical Color: Violet)


First Reading:        Baruch 5:1-9
Second Reading:   Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11

Gospel:  Please Read  Luke 3:1-6 

Are we ready for the Lord's coming?

The theme of the liturgical readings for the second Sunday of Advent is on preparation for that big event that is Christmas  Day.

Preparing for an important event is very much in the culture of Filipinos. Despite the difficult times of this pandemic, we find ways to prepare and celebrate Christmas time with our family and friends.  The Filipinos' resilient spirit is never dampened by the struggles of daily living. Because even in our darkest hours we trust and believe God never abandons us.

In the Gospel reading today the forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ is introduced to us; his name is John the Baptist.  

What do we know of John the Baptist and what is the significance of his message for our lives today?

John was a prophet, which means a spokesperson for God.  He was called from an early age to devote himself to prayer and to the word of God.  It is said that God taught him in the solitude of the desert and prepared him for his ministry and for spiritual warfare.  We can say that John bridged the Old and New Testaments.  He was the last of the Old Testament prophets who point the way to the Messiah. He was also the first of the New Testament's witnesses and martyrs for Christ.

It was throughout the whole region of Jordan that John performed his ministry, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  He exhorted his hearers to prepare the roads of their hearts and their lives to receive the Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords.  People came in large numbers to listen to him and to be bathed in the Jordan river.

What then is the significance of John the Baptist's message to our lives today?

John's preaching on the coming of the Lord is the key theme of the Advent season.  We are reminded this Sunday that the time has began to prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus and His heavenly kingdom. And we prepare ourselves by conversion --turning our heart and mind from sin and rebellion and submission to God's word and will for our lives.

Now the evangelist Luke emphasizes the importance of Christ's coming by pointing out how Isaiah had prophesized both the arrival of Jesus and the appearance of the precursor John.  Because God has long been preparing this pivotal moment in the world's history and wanted to do everything possible to alert His people of its imminence.

So every Christian is another John the Baptist boldly drawing other's attention to the truth and grace of Christ with our words, deeds and examples.  Among the many responsibilities each of us have as Christians, none is greater or more rewarding than teaming up with the Holy Spirit to prepare hearts for the Lord.

Let us pray for grace to listen to John's invitation and prepare the way of the Lord by acknowledging our sinfulness and pride that block the Lord's coming in our lives.  Because repentance of our sins is really coming to God, our Father, especially this Christmas time.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!




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