• Cycle B - Year I:  

    11 July 2021: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 
    (Liturgical Color: Green)


    First Reading:        Amos 7:12-15
    Second Reading:   Ephesians 1:3-14

    Gospel:  Please Read  Mark 6:7-13 

    "To bear witness to Christ!

    "GIFTED TO GIVE", is the theme for the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Christianity in the Philippines this year. This theme is taken from St. Matthew's Gospel: "Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give." (Mt 10:8)

    The Gospel for this Sunday is about the Church's missionary mandate.  Our Lord Jesus Christ sends out the first twelve apostles to preach and bring the Good News to the people.

    Now recall that our Lord Jesus Himself is the formator of the first apostles.  Thus far, from the day they were recruited the twelve apostles have been following our Lord from place to place, witnessing the miracles He performed and learning about His teaching.  But they were just followers and listeners, and not missionaries themselves.

    It's now time that Jesus gives them "hands-on" training to prepare themselves for missionary work.  So Jesus tells them that they will have to go out on their own and work their own miracles in His name.  And like Jesus, they also have to give up their families and lead itinerant lifestyles, traveling from place to place to preach the message of the kingdom of God and work wonders in Jesus's name.  So Jesus gave His apostles both the power and authority to speak and act in His name.

    This is the very first missionary trip of the twelve apostles, as Christ is already preparing them to be His messengers, to teach and administer His healing power (or grace) in His name.

    Incidentally, St. Mark makes a point of highlighting how the apostles anointed the sick, and they were healed.  This is the origin of the sacrament of anointing of the sick the Church practices today.

    So what is the impact of the Gospel reading for us today.  The following reflections may be helpful.

    Jesus Christ is our great Teacher to proclaim God's kingdom on earth. This is His mission, and every Christian shares in Christ's mission.  When we were baptized, we become members of Christ's body, that same body that reaches out to all people in every age in order to lead them back to God.  Every Christian shares in this apostolate. Because every Christian is sent out to bear witness to Christ, to bring His wisdom and healing touch to those who are in need, spiritually and physically.  In our time, under the supervision of bishops (who are the successors of the first twelve apostles) we are all called to spread the kingdom, to be agents of evangelization. Therefore, the missionary instructions that Christ gives to His first followers apply, in analogous way, to all His followers, and that includes us in our generation. 

    So let us meaningfully celebrate our 500th anniversary of the Christian faith we celebrate this year, by sharing our faith, first with our family, community, country, and the whole world, keeping to heart the words of St. Matthew: Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give!

    A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

    Ad Jesum per Mariam!