Thursday, December 24, 2020

 Cycle B - Year I:  

27 December 2020:  Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
(Liturgical Color: White)


First Reading:        Sirach 3:2-7, 12-14
Second Reading:   Colossians 3:12-21

Gospel:  Please Read  Luke 2:22-40

"The family in God's plan..."

The family is God's gift to each one of us.  We did not choose our family but God has done it for us, to entrust us to the loving care of our parents, and siblings, if any.

And so, in reality Christmas is when the almighty God comes to our world as a "helpless" Infant.  The Lord of lord and King of kings, chooses to be born in a human family with Mary as His mother and Joseph as protector.  Thus, this reality speaks loudly how God regards family life.

This Sunday is the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  The Feast was promoted to counter the breakdown of the family unit.  The Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family normally on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year.

The Gospel narrative from St. Luke places the Holy Family in the Temple as they came to Jerusalem to present the child Jesus to the Lord in accordance with the Law of Moses.

From this event of the Presentation we can learn about the humble obedience of the Holy Family in adhering to the requirements of the Law of Moses during their generation, even though Jesus had no real reason to be presented in the Temple because it as the Lord Himself being presented to the Father.  But in the drama of the Presentation in the Temple, Jesus closes the Mosaic Law and begins the fulfillment of that Law in His very Person.

The Church picks this narrative about the Presentation of the child Jesus in the Temple on this Feast of the Holy Family perhaps in order for us to meditate on the importance of the family in God's design for salvation.  For God Himself willed that His only begotten Son be subject to human parents and receives His human formation within a family.  Thus, God is showing us how Jesus truly identifies with our human experiences, including family life.

What then is the message of the Feast of the Holy Family on us today?

"The Feast of the Holy Family is not just about the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph but our own families too.  The main purpose of the Feast is to present the Holy Family as the model for all Christian families, and for domestic life in general.  Our family life becomes sanctified when we live the life of the Church within our homes.  This is called the 'domestic church' or the 'church in miniature'."

In practical life, we can start wit the reality that family life is challenging and never easy.  This fact was no different for Mary and Joseph.  They had to work through the circumstances of Jesus' conception, with a little divine intervention perhaps.  And Mary had to give birth to Jesus away from home, in the town of Bethlehem.  And soon after the birth of Jesus the Holy Family had to flee to Egypt to avoid King Herod who was searching for the child Jesus in order to kill Him.

We can learn something from the examples of the Holy Family on their love, concern and respect for each other.  God loves the family.  By the incarnation of God the Son, God unites Himself with everyone through the family.  St. Mother Teresa wrote: "The family that prays together stays together, because such family learns something about how God loves each one of us."

It is in His human family, fraught with trials and challenges of everyday living that Jesus grew in wisdom, age and grace as He prepares for His saving work.  In much the same way, God intends to prepare us for the many challenges in life in the environment of a family to make us strong through ups and downs of family through God's grace.  

Especially during this pandemic, it is our family that becomes our comfort zone to protect us, inspire us and encourage us to help and care for each other through this storm in our life.  

In fulfilling our role to care and sustain our respective families, it is important for both parents to be close to God, to be prayerful and to have an obedient spirit so that we can hear God speak and follow His plan for the family entrusted to our care and guardianship.  May we dedicate ourselves to building a strong relationship with Christ so that we can be a member of our own family that builds unity through our sincere caring  attitude and virtuous deeds.

A blessed Feast of the Holy Family to us all.  And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!


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