Sunday, April 5, 2020

Holy Saturday (April 11) - Day 3

Holy Saturday, or Black Saturday is the last day of Holy Week, in which Christians prepare for Easter.  It commemorates the day that Jesus Christ's body is laid in the tomb.  The whole day we keep our spiritual silence, to reflect on God's redeeming love who gave up His only So to save us from sins.

The sanctuary remains stripped completely bare (following the Mass on Holy Thursday).  It reflects our deep sorry and contrition for Jesus' death.

Liturgically speaking, Holy Saturday lasts until 6 PM or dusk, after which the Easter Vigil is celebrated making the official start of the Easter season.

Easter Vigil:

The Easter Vigil service starts with the blessing of fire and water, and the lighting of a new Paschal Candle.  In the Roman Catholic observance, during the "Gloria" of the Mass, which has been omitted during Lent, the Church statues and icons, in places where they are covered with purple veils during Passiontide, are dramatically unveiled.

The entire celebration of the Easter Vigil should take place at night time, that is, it should begin after nightfall and end before the dawn of Sunday.  Usually, nine readings are assigned to the Easter Vigil: seven from the Old Testament, and two from the New Testament.  (If necessary, the number of readings may be reduced.  But at least three selection from the Old Testament should be read before the Epistle and the Gospel.)

After the readings from the Old Testament, the candles at the altar are lit as the priest intones the "Gloria".  The bells are rung.

Those who participate at the Easter Vigil fulfill their Sunday obligation.  But they may still attend regular Easter Sunday Mass and receive Holy Communion.

Finally, the entire Liturgy of the Easter Vigil speaks of our eager expectation of the Resurrection and of  its exultant occurrence.  The darkness of death has been overcome, the glorious light of Christ has appeared.  Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Modification for 2020:

Cardinal Sarah:  "Easter Vigil Mass will be celebrated only in cathedral and parish churches where it can be done.  The preparation and lighting of the paschal fire will be omitted, as with the usual subsequent procession, suggesting that there will be no baptism or confirmations in the affected areas."

CBCP:  "We celebrate this Vigil as the Mother of all Vigils, leading our people to greater hope in the victory of the Risen Lord who conquered sin and death.  In the experience of the pandemic, the Resurrection of the Lord is the certainty of our victory."

"After the Easter Vigil Celebration, without the faithful, the presider with humeral veil, rides on a pick up carrying the Blessed  Sacrament in monstrance, goes around the parish.

"The parishioners with lighted candles may bring at the doors or windows of their homes the statue of the Blessed Mother.  This becomes the Salubong of the parish this year."

In sum, the Paschal Triduum is really just one great liturgy, which begins with the Mass of the Last Super on Holy Thursday, and ends with the final blessing of the Mass on Easter Vigil.  That is why, if you notice, the Mass on Holy Thursday begins with the usual "In the name of the Father....." and the priest's greeting but at the end of the Thursday ceremony the presiding priest just departs silently without any final blessing; it is the same "silent" departure for the ceremony on Good Friday.  Also, there is no usual greeting by the priest at the beginning of the liturgy on Good Friday and Easter Vigil.  The final blessing is given at the end of the Mass on Easter Vigil.  The faithful are encouraged to walk with our Lord to His Calvary from Holy Thursday to His final victory on Easter Vigil.... one great Paschal Triduum indeed.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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