Monday, October 22, 2018

Cycle B - Year II:  

4 November 2018: Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time  
(Liturgical Color: Green)

First Reading:        Deuteronomy 6:2-6
Second Reading:   Hebrews 7;23-28

Gospel:Please Read  Mark 12:28b-34

Love is the foundation of Christian living!

Why do so many people want to run for Congress? In our democratic system of governance, Congress is the branch of government principally tasked to pass laws of the land. But we have so many laws already. Do those aspiring to be legislatures really intend to pass more laws, or they just want to enjoy the perks and privileges of being senators or congressmen?

The Gospel narrative this Sunday has something to do about laws or commandments. Let us reflect on God's message for us this week.

One of the scribes engages our Lord Jesus Christ in a discussion and asks Him what is
the most important of God's commandments. Now bear in mind that as a scribe he knows the Law himself but perhaps this scribe wants Jesus to confirm his own understanding of the Law.

Notice that our Lord's answer was brief but very profound response! It is a summary of everything that Jesus teaches on God and His life.

So Jesus points out that in fact the whole Law can be condensed into just two commandments of love.

Now the first, and most important commandment, consists of unconditional love of God: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all y our strength!"

The second commandment is a consequence and the result of the first: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."  Now remember that the word "neighbor" here means whoever is in need.

The summary of the Law means that behind the commandments is a life of love that God demands from His people. That means, our love of God must show itself in the love for our neighbor. Because the latter springs from our love of God, and because man is created in the image of God.

So then, a person who genuinely loves God loves his fellows as well. Because they are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father, and redeemed by the same Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

All our external worship and piety becomes empty and meaningless if it does not express our internal loving attitude. And without such love, following the rest of God's commandments becomes burdensome. And so we may say that the practice of love is more important than novenas, promises, sermons and processions. Because our Christian life rests on the foundation of love of God and neighbor.

Now we know that in the Old Testament the criterion of love toward neighbor was: "Love your neighbor as yourself." But in the New Testament our Lord Jesus Christ extends the sense of love: "This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you!" ( Jn 15:12) Thus, the new criterion will be "love your neighbor as Jesus has loved us." And this is the sure path to being able to live together in a more just and fraternal way.

In sum, for us new generation of disciples, we should keep this Law of love in our mind, in our intelligence, in our heart, in our hands and feet, because one cannot reach God without giving oneself totally to one's neighbor! For love is the very foundation of our Christian life.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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