Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Cycle B - Year II:

24 June 2018: Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
(Liturgical Color: White)

First Reading: Isaiah 49:1-6
Second Reading: Acts 13:22-26

Gospel:Please Read Luke 1:57-66, 80

John the Baptist: a man sent from God!
The liturgy interrupts its observance of Ordinary Time to celebrate an important birth anniversary.

(As a refresher, Ordinary Time is the yearly cycle of 33 or 34 weeks in which no particular aspect of the mystery of Christ is celebrated, but rather the totality or fullness of the mystery of Christ itself is honored.)

This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The Church celebrates his birthday traditionally on June 24, and it falls on a Sunday in year 2018.

Usually, the Church observes the day of a saint's death as his or her feast, because that day marks his or her entrance into heaven. There are two exceptions to this Church tradition, the birthdays of Blessed Virgin Mary and of St. John the Baptist. And the reason is this: all other persons were stained with original sin at birth, hence, we displeasing to God.

Mama Mary was free from original sin from the first moment of her existence (for which reason even her very conception is commemorated by a special feast.)

In the case of John the Baptist, he was cleansed from original sin in the womb of his mother, when the Blessed Virgin Mary pregnant at that time with our Lord Jesus Christ, visited John's mother, Elizabeth.

The birth of John the Baptist is important because he paves the way for the coming of the Savior to the world.

Who is John the Baptist?

He was the son of Zachary, a priest in the Temple of Jerusalem, and Elizabeth, a kinswoman of Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. John is born of a sterile woman, in her old age.

John lived as a hermit in the desert of Judea until about 27 AD. When he was thirty, he began to preach on the banks of the Jordan against the evils of the times and called men to penance and baptism, proclaiming that "the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand!" He attracted large crowd, and when Christ came to him, John recognized Him as the Messiah and baptized Him, saying to our Lord Jesus Christ, "It is I who need baptism from You." John began to announce the coming of the Kingdom, and to call everyone to a fundamental reformation of life. His purpose was to prepare the way of Jesus.

Our Lord Jesus Christ called John the greatest of all those who has preceded him: "I tell you, among those born of woman, no one is greater than John." (Luke 7:28) John's attitude toward Jesus was: "He must increase; I must decrease." (John 3:30)

John's role in salvation history is relevant even in our own time today. For we, too, are born to testify to the Light, and respond to the challenge to prepare a people fit for the Lord. For the vocation of each person of any age and at all time, is something like John's -- to announce the love of God in word and deed among all peoples.

Incidentally, John the Baptist is the Patron of my birth place, Tabaco City in Albay Province. I greet Tabaco City a Very Happy Fiesta.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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