Monday, November 13, 2017

Cycle A - Year 1:  

19 November 2017:  Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Color: Green)

First Reading:        Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31
Second Reading:   1 Thessalonians 5:1-6

Gospel:Please Read  Matthew 25:14-30 (or 25:14-15, 19-21)

Making God's kingdom grow!

Believe it or not.... every person has some kind of talent that sometimes is unique from the rest. But do you know what is your special talent? How do we make use of our God-given talents?

The Word of God for this Sunday shares with us timely lesson on how to deal and make use of our God-given talents in the Parable of the Talents. 

At the beginning of the parable let us not forget that it speaks first of the master's trust in
his servants. So while he goes away he leaves them with his money to be used and to be invested wisely, each according to his ability. When he returns he expects some actions from his servants on the money he left behind.  So the servant entrusted with five talents reported that he made another five more. The servant with two talents produced two more. But the servant with one talent reported nothing; for he dug a hole in the ground and just buried his master's money in it.

Now the essence of the parable touches on the concept of responsibility and stewardship. The master expected his servants to be productive in the use of his money entrusted to their care. Each servant was faithful up to a certain point.  But the servant who just buried his master's money was irresponsible.

In our Christian living, today's parable provides us an opportunity to reflect on how well we use our gifts and talents for the sake of the Lord and His kingdom here on earth. In concrete terms, for example, the parable challenges us to make good use of our time, treasure, and talents God has given us.

But the Gospel parable also gives us a warning. We are drawing near the end of another liturgical year, which reminds us that our time on earth is also not unlimited. For any moment could be our last. That is why we have to make good use of the remaining years that God grant us still by working for the love of God and our neighbor. We must resolve not to waste time by worrying unnecessarily about the past or being excessively concerned about the future. Because our Lord Jesus Christ promises to give us the grace we need to meet the challenges of the future, especially to repent of the sins of the past.

Thus, Jesus asks us in today's Gospel to entrust ourselves to Him that we might cooperate with Him in the building up of His kingdom. God bestows on us His abundant blessings not only for the good of ourselves but for the building up of God's kingdom here on earth. So we must use our talents to do our share in the evangelization work of the Church, so that we also become trustworthy servants of the Lord.

For when we use our talents and abilities to spread Christ Gospel of truth and for the benefit of the whole Church, then we have indeed invested our talents profitably, and thus proving ourselves trustworthy servants and stewards of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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