Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cycle A - Year 1:

24 September 2017: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Color: Green)

First Reading: Isaiah 55:6-9
Second Reading: Philippians 1:20-24, 27

Gospel:Please Read Matthew 20:1-16a

God is generous!

Is there a measure to God's generosity? It's an interesting question.

Let us see if we can find an answer by examining human understanding of what is just and equitable.

We live in a society where everything seems to be defined by what is legal and what is just. In the work place, for example, there are laws concerning wages and compensation, the core principle of which is that "no work no pay", "more work more pay", or "less work less pay". The bottom line is to be fair and equitable according to human standards. In such strict legalistic environment, is there room for generosity?

Today's Gospel tells of a parable that may have relevance to the work place. The parable of the workers in the vineyard has often puzzled many of us. Perhaps, it is because what the landowner (or employer) did in this parable goes against what most of us would have done under similar circumstances in our present time.

A brief situational background: In Jesus' time laborers had to wait each day in the marketplace until someone hired them for a day's job. No work that day usually meant no food on the family table.

Now, the gist of the parable is that the workers who worked all day received the same payment or wages as those who worked for less than a full day. So the former complained to the landowner about the apparent "injustice" or "unjust" wages.

Yet, our Lord Jesus is teaching us something about God, and it isn't about fair and just business practices. Rather, Jesus uses this parable to help us better understand that God's generous love and justice are far, far different from our human standards. It is so different indeed that we are baffled by it, because we have difficulty understanding God's infinite love and generosity. On the other hand, our inability to understand the full depth and breath of God's love is also an opportunity for FAITH, that is to say, our faith grows deeper and stronger because we cannot ever fully understand God.

Even during Jesus' time the people were shocked to hear of radical ideas in our Lord's teachings. Many had trouble accepting and comprehending this parable of Jesus concerning the kingdom of God. Perhaps, Jesus really intended to shock His listeners so they think much deeper. What Jesus may be proposing to His listeners, then and now, is that God's love and generosity is the very foundation of the kingdom of God.

In other words, God is generous in opening the door to His kingdom to all who will enter, both those who have labored a lifetime for Him and those who come at the last hour. While the reward may be the same, the motive for one's labor can make all the difference. Some work only for rewards. They will only put as much effort as they expect they will get back in return. Others work out of love and joy for the opportunity to work and to serve others. What is our motive for working in the Lord's vineyard?

In sum, our Lord Jesus Christ calls His disciples to serve God and neighbors, both in His heavenly kingdom and our earthly environment, with generosity and joy. Do we perform our work and responsibilities with a cheerful heart and diligence for the Lord's sake? And are we also generous to others, especially to those in most need of our care and support?

We are the late comers in the Lord's vineyard. We are those who were asked to work at the end of the day. We, therefore, must be overwhelmingly grateful of God's generosity and share the same generous love with others.

And so, to answer our opening question..... Is there a measure to God's generosity? Yes, there is... and that is God's love. And God's love is unconditional and unlimited.

Today the Church also celebrates the 22nd National Seafarers' Day. Let us pray for our Filipino seafarers who brave the high seas for their generous love of their families.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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