Saturday, January 7, 2017

Cycle A - Year I

15 January 2017: Feast of the Sto. Nino

(Liturgical color: White)

Gospel: Please read  Matthew 18:1-5, 10

Sto. Nino: a celebration of child-like trust in God!

The third Sunday in the Philippines is the Feast of the Sto. Nino. The devotion to the Holy Child is said to be the oldest and one of the most popular in the country, recalling the birth of the Christian faith in the Philippines in 1521.

Not surprising, the devotion is very popular because it reflects the
Filipinos' love of children. The birth of a child brings joy and peace to the family, because a child is considered a precious gift from God. The child unites the household and makes the parents' marriage even stronger. Also, a child is a sign of hope because a family that has been gifted with a child has a future to look forward to.

In the Gospel from St. Matthew, the disciples asked our Lord: "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?" They were thinking obviously in terms of human abilities and pride in accomplishing "great" things.

But instead of using complicated language in His response, our Lord
Jesus shows them a child as a model and standard by which we can measure ourselves if we are growing in virtue and grace for God's Kingdom.

For a child is without ambition, pride and self-importance, and thus our model of humility before God. In such a transparent humble soul without deceit or guile we are able to see our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Humility is to serve and not to be served. It seeks the lower place because it does not seek attention, does not grasp for glory, does not desire title, nor stature, nor recognition. Instead, it seeks the advancement of others over oneself.

Thus, the devotion to the Sto. Nino instills the virtue of simplicity, obedience and trust in God.

Such is the lesson from the Gospel reading for today. We are called to become like children, ever humble, careful not to despise others, so that we may enter the Kingdom of heaven.

In the words of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself: "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven." (Mt 18:3-4)

Happy Feat Day to my own Camella Homes 1 and 2, because our Patron is the Sto. Nino. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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