Saturday, November 7, 2015

Cycle B - Year I:

15 November 2015: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Gospel: Please read Mark 13:24-32

The Lord shall return....

Life is a journey, and every journey must come to an end.  That sounds poetic but it is also a reality. For everything that we experience of our present world will end someday. But as to when, nobody knows. That is why the "unknown of the known" makes us tremble; but our faith assures us that the "known of the unknown" gives us hope.

As the Church's liturgical year draws to a close, the focus of the liturgy is on the end story of salvation.  The core message of this Sunday's Gospel is about interrelated events: the end of the world, the second coming of Christ, the gathering of the saved, and the condemnation of the damned.

The evangelist Mark makes use of apocalyptic language to describe these events, like "the sun will be
darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in heaven will be shaken." (Mk 13:24-25)

What is meant by "apocalyptic"? It is a special style of writing which precisely uses wild images and vivid symbols in order to convey realities beyond our present experience. The images described are not necessarily to be taken literally, but still they are relevant as they point to deeper truths.

Let us reflect on these truths that these images teach us.

Our first reflection is to know and believe that the world as we know and experience it will end someday. It will end because God has a bigger purpose for humanity; He has something much greater in His mind for us. So that the blessings of this world are only a prelude or foretaste of the blessings that the Father has planned for us in the life to come. And so also, our sufferings and trials we experience in this world are but temporary.

The second point in our reflection is the reality of the second coming of Jesus Christ. St. Mark says His second coming will be "with great power and glory". At that time there will be no question who is King of kings and Lord of lords. No one will ever wonder about our Lord's identity, for His kingdom will be brought to completion at His second coming.

The third point, peoples of every time and place will be gathered together for the final judgment. Our Lord Jesus will invite the redeemed to share in the very life that He shares with the Father and the Holy Spirit. It will be a great and glorious day for Jesus' faithful followers.

And finally, woe to those who chose until the very last moment of their earthly existence to refuse God's offer of mercy, love and new life; He will take action against evildoers as well.

Yet, our Lord warns that no one really knows the end of times, "neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father". So therefore, we should not be concerned with predicting, and fearing, the future as with living the Faith here and now. Because when we keep the Faith it strengthens us in hope, so that the Day of the Lord's return is actually a welcoming home, a great reunion with our Lord. For we believe that our Lord Jesus Christ shall return.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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