Saturday, September 12, 2015

Cycle B - Year I:

20 September 2015: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Gospel: Please read Mark 9:30-37

The greatest in God's kingdom

It is election year in the Philippines in 2016. As early as now the election fever is on, which is not surprising in a country where politics seems to be one of the most rewarding and sought-after "profession". We can hear prospective candidates go on media blitz proclaiming their "greatness" to impress voters or at least test their chances.

What then is the measure of greatness?

Let us hear form our Lord Jesus Himself as He speaks about "greatness" in the eyes of God in this Sunday's gospel narrative.

Jesus and His disciples left for Capernaum through Galilee. On the way Jesus is actually giving the disciples lesson on what leadership and greatness is all about by explaining to them what will happen to Him down the road. Jesus is prophesying his betrayal and crucifixion. He will be delivered into the hands of enemies and will be put to death. Jesus is really teaching the disciples that his kingship does not consist of power and dominion, but of humility and service.

The disciples failed to understand Him because they were busy discussing and arguing among themselves who was the greatest. Thus, the Lord's revelation of a suffering Messiah does not make sense and did not fit their understanding and expectation of what the Messiah came to do.

Perhaps, the disciples do not really want Jesus to talk about suffering for some reasons. First, they do genuinely care for Jesus and so do not want Him to suffer at all. Second, Jesus' plan does not really make sense to them at that time. In their human thinking, they want to believe that Jesus can do much more good for the Father if He just keeps healing people, preaching great sermons, performing miracles and attracting large crowds. Third, the disciples do not like this message of a suffering Messiah because it also means that they too might have to suffer as well, if they want to remain His disciples.

Aren't we like the disciples in this sense? Our concept of greatness is worldly dominion, wealth and power, and the desire for praise of others.

So, Jesus sits down with the disciples and patiently explains a lesson on greatness through humility and service. To begin with, He explains that "if anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all." For in His kingdom, greatness is equated with exhibiting a heart for serving one's neighbor.

He explains further by placing a little child in their midst to explain His point. What can a child
possibly teach us about greatness?

Well, Jesus tells His disciples that in God's kingdom, whoever has the heart of a child, meaning to say, whoever humbles himself and serves the "little ones" --the poor, neglected, those with neither power or voice in society-- will be considered great.

Thus, the image of a child in the example of Jesus challenges us to rethink our notion of leadership and greatness. Jesus Himself is our model. He came not to be served but to serve. Our Lord lowered himself and took on our lowly nature that He might raise us up and clothe us in His divine nature.

In sum, to follow our Lord Jesus Christ entails a radical change in our early notion of power that dominates, and instead follow in His footsteps of humble and truthful service to the poor and to those in need.

May we follow the example of Jesus' humble service as we strive to become great leaders of our family, our workplace, in society, and our nation. Amen.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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