Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cycle B - Year I:

28 June 2015: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Mark 5:21-43

Jesus heals us!

Why is Pope Francis so popular and respected? During his visit to the Philippines in January 2015, people gathered in thousands to hear him or be blessed. They rushed to the route of his motorcade just to catch a glimpse of him. Perhaps, it is his pastoral and caring attitude that endear him to his flock, and yes, even to non-Christians.

We can trace the Pope's pastoral style to the very examples of the Master Himself in this Sunday's gospel narratives.

Jesus was always followed by big crowds wherever he went. We can say that his public ministry was
really busy and his schedule tight. Yet, he always had time for everyone, especially those who sought him. The gospel story features two women: a woman long afflicted with hemorrhages and the daughter of Jairus, a synagogue official, who was at the point of death. Jesus took time to minister to them; He heals the sick woman of her hemorrhages and brings Jairus' daughter back to life.

In both incidents, Jesus shows his personal concern for the needs of others and his readiness to heal and restore life. In Jesus we see the infinite love of God extending to each and every individual as our Lord gives freely and wholly of himself to each person he meets. Do we also find time when someone needs us? Giving time to someone in need is like giving our very self.

The second point in our reflection is the healing itself. The bleeding woman was restored to health and the dead child brought back to life through a personal encounter with Jesus. They keep faith in Jesus' healing power and allow God's gift of compassion and mercy to work in them. In the case of the sick woman, Jesus said to her, "Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction." For the dead child, it was her father's faith in Jesus that brought her back to life. In other words, when we pray for God's healing, it is not just a magical cure from bodily sickness that we should ask God for, but a true life in Jesus Christ that overcomes all illnesses.

Do we approach the Lord with expectant faith? In the face of trials and adversities, let us pray to our Lord Jesus Christ with the daring faith of Jairus and of the sick woman, confident in Jesus' power to heal us and restore us back to life eternal.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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