Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cycle A - Year II:  

23 February 2014: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Matthew 5:38-48

Love for God conquers all!

The month of February is a celebration of love that is observed in many cultures around the world. And the highlight of such celebration was Valentine's Day last February 14, when we shared flowers, gifts and other symbols of love with dear ones and special someone.

But is our love reserved only for the good people? In today's Gospel Jesus challenges us to get out of our "comfort zone" and embrace with love all people. Because our love for God conquers all, the good people and the bad people as well.

Let us reflect on God's all-embracing love.

Jesus makes it clear in today's readings that in God's love there is no room for retaliation. We must not only avoid returning evil for evil, but we must seek the good of those who wish us ill.

Of course, it does not mean that as believers in Christ we remain passive before evil and injustice around us. Certainly we must fight evil and injustice, but not out of revenge and retaliation but conquering them with love and good deeds. You think that is impossible and impractical?

Well, let us ask ourselves what really makes Christianity distinct from other religions? It is God's grace -- , treating others, not as they deserve, but as God wishes them to be treated-- that is, with loving kindness and mercy. Leave to God to render justice to those who do us wrong.

The forgiving Christ hanging on the cross is our model. Because only the cross of Jesus Christ can free us from the tyranny of malice, hatred, revenge, and resentment, and gives us the courage to return evil with good. Such love and grace gives us the power to heal and to save from destruction.

Because if we persist in the old law of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" sooner or later we all become a blind and toothless society.

A blessed Sunday to us all, and thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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