Sunday, September 1, 2013

Cycle C - Year I: 

08 September 2013: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Liturgical color: Green)

Luke 14:25-33

Making a choice for God!

The search or desire for the good life can make people corrupt.

Lately, we witnessed public outrage against the pork barrel scam that runs into billions of pesos, which snowballed into the Million People March in Luneta. Similar protest actions were simultaneously held as well in some provinces throughout the country.

The road of life in this world is tempting because it offers a life of pleasure, wealth and power. Yet all these will be gone, as we complete our journey in this world.

But to those who want to follow our Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to take a different road of life which passes through a narrow gate. This is the gospel message two Sundays ago.

And this Sunday, Jesus challenges his disciples even more. He addresses the great crowd following him: "If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." (Lk 14:27)

Why does Jesus say we must "hate" our families and even ourselves? Obviously, our Lord speaks figuratively. He uses strong language to make clear that nothing should take precedence or first place in our lives over God. We must make a choice for God!

Jesus was utterly honest in telling his disciples that it would cost them dearly to follow after him. Because to gain  all, one must also be willing to give all. In other words, there can be no room for compromises or concessions with God. We either give our lives over to Him completely, or we keep them for ourselves as we drown in worldly concerns.

And so we also ask: "What does Christianity have to offer that is worth giving up everything else for, including one's life?" Well, in reality more than we can fathom! Because Jesus offers his followers a priceless treasure, which is true happiness, peace, and joy unending with our everlasting Father in his heavenly kingdom.

In sum, Jesus tells us to detach ourselves from things that take us away from experiencing true joy and peace in the Lord. He calls us to walk with him on his journey to Jerusalem to carry his cross of salvation. We must not be burdened by too many possessions and worldly concerns. Yes, following Jesus is indeed a difficult and rough journey in life, but there is a firm trust and hope in the resurrection that we will share with Jesus. In this journey with our Lord, even our sufferings become our prayer.

The Gospel today reminds us that if we accept Christ into our lives, then we must give Him priority over our other loves and commitments. The choice is ours to make, which we must live in concrete situation, meaning we must apply his teachings both when convenient and inconvenient. And trust and believe that the Lord does not leave us alone when we choose to follow him.

September 8 is also the Feast of the Birth of Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus. In celebrating the nativity of Mary, Christians anticipate the Incarnation and birth of her Divine Son, and gives honor to the mother of our Lord and Saviour. This Feast provides us with the occasion for praise and thanksgiving in honor of the personal sanctity and vocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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