Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cycle C - Year I:

25 August 2013: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Luke 13:22-30

"Strive to enter through the narrow gate!" 

The last FIBA Asian Basketball Championship was a triumph of the Filipino spirit. The nation was ecstatic when our national team finally earned a ticket to the World Basketball Series in Spain next year, after more than three decades of unsuccessful campaign. It was not an easy task though against the taller and better trained competitors from other Asian countries. In a way, our national basketball team passed through the proverbial eye of a needle in winning second place in the Asian FIBA series.

Today in the Gospel, our Lord is telling us that the path to the heavenly Kingdom is also full of challenges and hardships, echoing the "eye of the needle" thing as well. It means knowing the Lord and the gospel is not enough.

As He makes his way to Jerusalem, Jesus is asked, "Lord, will only a few people be saved?" Jesus' reply is rather startling. He says that although many will attempt to enter heaven through the narrow gate, but will not be strong enough.

Let us start our reflection from where we are coming from. The road of the life of this world is wide, and many follow it because it is like a river of desires and pleasures. On the other hand, the road to heaven is narrow and difficult to follow because it demands following the gospel in words and actions. It is so easy to stray from it because of the so many distractions of the world.

We often forget that salvation is realized according to God's terms and not merely our own interpretation of God's terms to be. In other words, just because you may claim to love God, it doesn't necessarily mean that you love Him as He desires or expects to be loved. Thus, the gospel passage reminds us not to presume  that all who claim friendship with God are in fact and in truth his friends.

In practical life, the pursuit of the kingdom of Heaven demands hard work, obedience and perseverance. Many start the walk on the road to salvation but few stay on it or persevere in the journey. It is because the evil one is constantly setting obstacles in the path of holiness. We need to pray constantly for our faith, hope and love of God  to be stronger, and atone for our sins by practicing Christian charity.

Jesus reminds us, "if you love me, keep my commandments!" And He means all his commandments expressed in the official teachings of the Catholic church. This is not going to be easy for many Christians because it requires humility. For it is the humble soul who is disposed to listening and obeying God in all things, loving Him on God's terms.

In Holy Mass this Sunday, let us pray for humility to see that God's kingdom is a gift which we have to accept with joy and gratitude, so that it may bear fruits in our daily lives.

A blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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