Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sharing the Word

25 December 2012: Solemnity of the Lord's Birth
(Liturgical color: White)

John 1:1-18

Merry Christmas: Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord!

Let us rejoice with the psalmist (Psalm 96): "Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord!

Indeed, Jesus' birthday is the reason for all the preparation during our Advent pilgrimage and the nine-day novena Masses or Misa de Aguinaldo in the Philippines. So come, let us rejoice and be glad, for the Messiah has finally come. And we are overwhelmed with joy by the hope that lights up our darkness.

As we gather together on this Christmas day to celebrate the Eucharist around the infant child in Bethlehem, it is my joy to wish everyone of my internet friends and family a Blessed and Merry Christmas.

Christmas is really a celebration of joy, love and peace.

It is a day of joy because salvation has come to us.

It is a celebration of love because God showed how much he loves us by sharing his Son with us. The birth of Jesus as a little child is the greatest moment of God's love for us.

It is a day of peace as we experience in our hearts what the angels proclaimed at the birth of Jesus: Peace to people of good will. For Jesus the God of Peace gifts  us his peace that lasts forever.

We reflect on the significance and importance of the Christmas event. The all powerful and all mighty God comes to our world as a helpless little infant. And so we realize that every new born child is a wonder, a mystery, a gift of God. Because God is present in a tiny, vulnerable infant. That is a clear message for those who want to play "god" with human life.

The Son of God assumed a human nature so that in it we can be saved. Born of the Virgin Mary, he has truly been made one of us, like us in all things except sin.

Are we ready for the Lord's coming? Do we have the best place for the Son of God in our heart? Do we welcome him like the poor shepherds of Bethlehem did many years ago?

All our preparation and merry making during this Christmas season is meaningless if we miss the central point of this holiday season. It is Christmas because God so loves our humanity to become one with us, so that we become one with him in our heavenly home.

So today God invites us to follow the star to the manger where the infant Jesus is born. And like the shepherds of old let us rejoice in the songs of the angels as we experience in our hearts the peace and joy of the little Child of Bethlehem.

We pray that the joy and peace of the Lord Jesus always be in our hearts.

And together we all say: Happy Birthday, baby Jesus!

A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all. Thank you for a moment with God.

Deo Optimo Maximo

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