Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cycle B, Year II

14 October 2012: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Mark 10:17-30

Are we ready to inherit eternal life?

Worldly inheritance can sometimes become a hotly contested issue. We hear or read about legal battles among families and relatives to fight their share of material inheritance. But then we ask, "What for?" For not even a fraction of our wealth can come with us to the grave. A wise saying:"I came empty handed into this world, and empty handed I got out of this world!"

Today we hear the popular story of the encounter between Jesus and a rich man. The rich was a good man who observed all of God's commandments. He wanted to be assured how to inherit eternal life.

The evangelist Mark noted that Jesus loved the man for observing the commandments. But he lacked one thing, and Jesus told him this:"Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come and follow me."

But the rich man went away sad, "for he had many possessions. Jesus said to his disciples: "How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!"

So then we ask, "Is wealth essentially evil?" The answer is "No". For God himself gives us the material world to sustain us, through our own creativity and resourcefulness. Thus, riches are both the gift of God and the fruit of human work intended to benefit all.

The call of Jesus to the rich man to give up his possession is a call to move the focus from just himself to the needs of others. Because it is only through sharing with others that we receive Jesus. It happens every time we give away what we think we need.

Many Catholics think in a way similar to the rich man in the gospel story: "What do I have to do to get to heaven? Follow the commandments. Go to Mass on Sundays. Know our catechism. Pray the rosary every day."  All very good and necessary things to anyone, who wishes to reach heaven. But is this all that God wants from us?

What is most important is not the laws themselves but the conversion of our heart. That was what Jesus was trying to tell the rich man. That he would have to convert his heart, but that this wouldn't happen unless he first released himself from the bonds of his earthly possessions.

Jesus calls us too at different times in our lives, in different ways, to follow him. And his call is to all, whether rich or poor. We are called to detach ourselves from worldly possessions and concerns, so that we can fully give ourselves totally and completely to God. Because when we "sell everything that we have and possess" we put God above all else.

This Sunday the Church also celebrates Indigenous Peoples' Sunday and Extreme Poverty Day. It is a good start to share what we have with those in need. So that only when we detach ourselves from all worldly possession that we can inherit eternal life.

A blessed  Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Deo Optimo Maximo

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