Monday, September 24, 2012

Cycle B, Year II

30 September 2012: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical color: Green)

Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48

Witnessing for Christ!
We continue to read the evangelist Mark writing about the public ministry of Jesus. Today he gives useful tips on becoming effective disciples of Christ.

The Gospel this Sunday presents John and the other disciples wanting to prevent someone from performing mighty deeds in the name of Jesus because he was not part of the group. But Jesus tells them, "Do not prevent him."

Jesus used this incident to teach the disciples, and us in our time, how to be his true followers. It involves tolerance even for those who are not members of the church. He said to the disciples, "For whoever is not against us is for us." In the gospel narrative, the fact that the "outsider" was able to cast out demons "in the name of Jesus" showed that he recognized the power of Jesus.

As Catholics our mission is to share our faith with others but also we must be respectful and tolerant  of other faiths as well. While the Roman Catholic Church sees itself as the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church founded by Christ himself, it recognizes that elements of salvation are found in other churches also.

At the same time Jesus advocates intolerance for sin, as this is a matter of life versus death. Thus, in the latter part of the gospel narratives He warns us about causing others to sin. Jesus uses strong metaphors to warn against leading simple Christians, "the little ones who believe in me", astray by shaking their faith through bad examples we give.

In the Eucharist let us reflect on our personal witnessing of Christ in our daily life. Are we giving bad examples to others thus "leading them astray?"

We pray that we become true disciples of Christ in every place of our presence by our personal witnessing of Christ through faithful observance of the teachings of the Church. Because like the examples of all the parts of our human body that are connected and support each other, we too collectively enrich the Church, the People of God, by living a good Christian life.

A blessed  Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

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