Friday, April 28, 2023

 Cycle A - Year I:  

7 May 2023: Fifth Sunday of Easter 
(Liturgical Color: White)


First Reading:        Acts 6:1-7
Second Reading:   1 Peter 2:4-9

Gospel:  Please Read  John 20:19-31 

"Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life!"

A traveler once said: "It is better to know where to go and not know how, than to know how to go but not know where." Indeed,  to know your destination is better than traveling aimlessly without direction. 

Our modern world is characterized by a fast-paced and ever-changing environment, that it can be challenging to find a sense of direction and purpose amidst a multitude of daily distractions. We may experience doubts and fears, questioning whether we are on the right path.

It is the same in our journey of faith in this life. We must always be aware of our final destiny so we are not lost along the way.

Our faith teaches that heaven is our final destination, even as we pass through life's many storms in our worldly journey. Can we find our way to heaven then without some kind of map or guide? Can we "google" our way to heaven?

The Good News in this Sunday's Gospel proclamation is a timely reminder not only about the right path in our earthly journey but most importantly the way to our final destiny beyond our physical world.

Jesus proclaims in the Gospel reading: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (Jn 14:6) In His own words, our Lord Jesus Christ does not only give us advice and direction but He is saying that He is the only way to the Father. "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father," Jesus says. (Jn 14:9)    

This Gospel proclamation is our reassurance that we are not alone, and that Jesus is our constant Guide, promising to prepare a place for us in heaven and leading us through life's challenges towards a fulfilling and abundant life in heaven.

So that despite the many uncertainties we face in this life we are confident in the guidance and teachings of Jesus, who offers us the way, the truth, and the life. By trusting completely in our Lord, we can find direction and purpose, and draw inspiration from His words to navigate the challenges of our daily lives. Ultimately, we can find hope in the promise of eternal life offered by our Lord Jesus as a reward for our faith and trust in Him.

Therefore, we cannot be lost when we follow our Lord Jesus Christ on the way to the Father's house. That is why we need to walk Jesus' way, to live like He did, surrendering ourselves to the will of the Father at all times. Let us take up the challenge to imitate Christ and dedicate our lives to love and serve others, especially the least fortunate, including bearing our daily crosses, enduring suffering for the kingdom, and offering our very life for the love of God, if need be. Are we ready to walk Jesus' way, and to follow in His footsteps to God's kingdom?

A Blessed Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!