Saturday, April 30, 2022

 Cycle C - Year II:  

8 May 2022: Fourth Sunday of Easter 
(Liturgical Color: White)


First Reading:        Acts 13:14, 43-52
Second Reading:  Revelation 7:9, 14-17

Gospel:  Please Read  John 10:27-30 

"My sheep hear my voice!"

Tomorrow is national and local election day to choose our new leaders for this country. And TODAY's Gospel proclamation, either by coincidence or providence (perhaps both), gives us a perfect picture of a good leader in the image of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself as the Good Shepherd.

Now, of the many titles attributed to our Lord Jesus, perhaps the most consoling and reassuring is that of the Good Shepherd. It is our Lord Himself who claims this title. (Jn 10:11)

Good Shepherd is an image that implies someone who gives a caring, compassionate leadership. The shepherd walks in front of the sheep, and the sheep follow the shepherd freely; they are not driven or coerced.

Jesus said in the opening of the Gospel passage, "My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me." (Jn 10:27) Because the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep is a mutual recognition by voice, a picture of the sheep following the shepherd voluntarily because of total trust.

We are the sheep, and those who stay with Good Shepherd never get lost. Because we know and believe that our Lord Jesus as the Good Shepherd is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

So that even if one sheep happens to go astray, the Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine and goes in search of the one that has wandered away to bring it back.

In the same manner, Jesus says that we have been given by the Father to the Son. So that it is in Jesus and through Him that we find our way back to the Father, the very source of all Truth and Life.

This is a timely message as we go out tomorrow to vote for new leaders.   We can use this imagery of the Good Shepherd to guide us in choosing our leaders. We should support leaders who by their examples of caring and compassionate leadership, love and respect for life can truly transform us to be a God-fearing people again. 

The other point in our reflection is on the sheep-like attitude. We are the sheep and the sheep listen and recognize the voice of the Shepherd. So we must follow only our Good Shepherd and not another.

So then, to hear the voice of our Good Shepherd in Jesus our Lord is to be attuned to His word. That is why we pray in order to become more and more perfectly attuned to His word.

And Jesus is drawn to those who hear Him, and He brings the nourishing gift of eternal life. Because Jesus draws His own life from the Father. So that to follow our Lord is to be drawn into the mystery of their life. This is what happens, in faith,  at the heart of our prayer.

Today is also World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Let us pray that the Lord send more shepherds to tend to His flock. Let us also pray for our priests, bishops and the Pope that they may remain good shepherds of God's flock entrusted to their care while on earth. Amen.

Finally, this Sunday is Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day, Mama Mary and all mothers. 

A blessed Good Shepherd Sunday to us all. And thank you for a moment with God,

Ad Jesum per Mariam!